Low down, a young rebel, the Vaartkapoen, reminiscent of a jack-in-the- box, topples over a policeman higher up, thus overthrowing his authority.
Location: Brussels , Belgium

The Shark became the most famous resident of Headington when it landed in the roof of 2 New High Street (see map) on 9 August 1986.This ordinary home (built as a semi-detached house in about 1860 but now attached by a link to a second house to the north) suddenly became the centre of world attention, and the headless shark still excites interest today.
Location:2 New High Street, Headington, Oxford.

Magic tap, which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water. In actuality, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water.
Location: Aqualand, Cadiz.
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